domingo, 16 de setembro de 2007


The topic that we are studing is about workplace privacy, employers that spy our job on.

QUESTION: Some workplaces implement surveillance devices (such as video cameras or telephone monitoring) for security reasons. How can companies balance the need for security with the individual's right to privacy? How would you feel about losing some of your privacy for sake of security?

ANSWER: I strongly believe that this action is an invasion of the privacy. On the order hand the employer must know what is happing in her company. So I feel that the best way to do this is not only to keep an eye on the workers, but they have to know that they are being recorded. About calls I feel that the right thing to do is to call from your cellphone if you wanna talk calmly with your friends... But be carefuly... Talking briefly. Otherwise your boss can fire you!

Post your message about the workplace privacy...

3 comentários:

Ver@cidade disse...

Today we must be prepared for everything. The world as a whole is linked. The big brother is home truth. Well, approximately... about... not quite...

Unknown disse...

The Big Brother spys us. Is it possible to stop?

Edgar Bittner disse...

Hard to say. We've always been afraid Big brother was going to take over and it's finally happening.